
A Founder's Guide to Connectd Placements

For founders, having the support and guidance of an experienced senior professional can prove invaluable but the resources to support this crucial role can often be limited, especially at very early-stage. The Connectd network has hundreds of portfolio professionals looking to offer their guidance.

What is a Connectd Placement?

There are two ways that founders can find the Talent they need. The first is through our Roles and Search functions - putting the founder in the driving seat to find the talent they want with the level of remuneration that is right for them. 

The second way is through a Connectd-support placement. These are placements with emerging talent who will work with founders under pro bono terms for up to 9 months. These placements differ from an ordinary role through the level of support that both parties receive from Connectd. Throughout, we're on hand to ensure you're getting everything you need from the relationship and can help guide both parties on industry best practice for how these relationships should work.

For placements, the Connectd team helps founders to find the right support for them by recommending suitable portfolio professionals. There are two ways that we do this:

  1. Firstly, we hold consultation calls with you, the founder, to really understand your business needs - as we gain greater understanding and insights we discuss with you what type of Talent we could bring you that would help you achieve your goals. 
  2. We then work on our side to search through all our Talent for someone with matching experience and skills.

Of course, if you come across a member eligible for a placement while using the platform, you can also claim their placement directly, giving you more control to request a placement with specific members.

The Connectd Talent eligible to be placed with your business in this capacity gain value as well! These professionals are undergoing our Transition to Portfolio programme, which educates, guides and provides experience to senior talent who are making their entry into these roles.

So while you receive exceptional talent for free, they are gaining hands-on experience in the role itself. This is the final step in their learning journey and gives them the confidence and evidence of the value and impact they can contribute in these roles. 

Although this placement is your professional's first foray into their role, they also have ready access to their dedicated mentor - a senior portfolio professional - who can give them guidance and support as they work with you in the placement.

What types of Portfolio Roles can I get in a placement?

There are three main types of role which we can place within your business:

Board Advisor - offer strategic support and guidance, usually in specific areas of focus within a business such as marketing or finance. They will use their network to open potential opportunities and will act as a dedicated mentor for either the founder or another member of the Senior Leadership Team

Fractional Executive - experienced executives offering their C-Suite operational abilities to help drive and grow specific functions on a part-time basis (just like any full-time CFO / CMO / etc.).

Non-Executive Director (NED) - Alongside the Executive Team they will take ownership of Risk Management, Shareholder Engagement and will support the business navigate governance and compliance.

How does the placement work?

Once our Talent Team has found a professional with corresponding skills and experience, they will run a facilitation call with you and your selected portfolio professional. During this call, we will work with both parties to set the terms for the relationship and agree specified objectives, outcomes and responsibilities that the professional will work with you towards. We’ll also act as your guide and support you to build and develop a strong working relationship together.

Once you’re both satisfied that the placement is suitable, your portfolio professional will work directly with you to help you achieve your business goals.

What happens if I want to keep working with my pro bono professional beyond the placement?

As the placement is between 6 and 9 months in duration, there is no obligation for you to continue working with one another once the placement concludes. However, it is really common for these relationships to have grown and become very fruitful, resulting in both parties negotiating to continue their professional relationship.

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